Learn & Grow – The Orbit Blog

Inside every B-hyve timer is a brilliant collection of algorithms that produce watering schedules designed to deliver the exact amount of water to the places that need it. More than ever, B-hyve isn’t just a product that makes your life more convenient. It’s a product that changes the way the world waters.
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The idea is simple: if soil is healthy, the microbes it contains will dissolve a pair of underwear in about 60 days.
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In a time when community –– real, meaningful community –– is increasingly rare, GCH has brought thousands of Missoulians together. Through local gardening and farming education, they’ve fostered connections between young and old, homeless and affluent, farmers and restaurants, students and locals. Their humble community gardens have changed the very landscape of Missoula, both physically and communally.
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Fall is here, and with it come several changes to your garden. As the weather cools off, it’s important to adjust your watering habits accordingly.

If you grow your own vegetable garden, you’re likely familiar with end-of-season surplus. As harvest time approaches, you may find that you have more vegetables than you can use.
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